Research and innovation projects are often based on an idea and problem, a current call for funding or the desire to carry out a project together with others. The steps to a successful application include the following:

Independent and focused

With many years of experience in various funding programmes of the DFG, German foundations, the BMBF and the EU, I work with methods that support effective and efficient proposal submission. These methods are independent of specific funding programmes and allow you to adapt your idea to the respective funding programme. In my training course „Grant Proposal Writing – How to desigin and communicate your project convincingly“ you will develop concrete building blocks for your own funding application and learn how to apply the methods in practice. I would also be happy to accompany you individually as a coach and consultant in your application, in the development of your project idea, the formulation of your application or even as a sparring partner on the basis of an already formulated funding application.

By this

How this can look like in your case, I will gladly explain to you after a free personal initial consultation. Please call me or contact me right here to arrange an appointment.