With RaumZeit

With RaumZeit
Research and innovation projects often develop differently than originally planned and specified in the third-party funding application. They are aimed at something new, something that – as far as is known – has not yet been implemented in the specific way intended. Often, the time span between the original idea and the start of the project is so long that new findings are sometimes available or new project staff who were not even involved in the application phase are engaged at the actual start of the project.
With this starting point, successful project implementation requires
- the boot-up of all project participants,
- the revision and concretization of the results to be worked out,
- solving technical and scientific challenges,
- the production of results,
- the documentation of project progress in reports for the funding agency as a comparison between reality and the original plan,
- administrative and financial project management,
- the management of the project staff and project partners,
- the motivation to work for the success of the project,
- the team building, so that a good cooperation can take place,
- the resolution of conflicts,
- the consideration of the changing interests of individuals, working groups or even organisations in relation to the planned project results,
- the management of intellectual property,
- the implementation of the dissemination and exploitation activities to ensure that the project becomes relevant and achieves impact, and
- the completion of the project.

How this can look like in your case, I will gladly explain to you after a free personal initial consultation. Please call me or contact me right here to arrange an appointment.