References and projects
I am delivering workshops and trainings for PhD students, postdocs and advanced researchers for many German universities and research centres and will be happy to provide contacts for personal references.
Further training as OER expert
On behalf of the BDVT e.V. – The Professional Association for Training, Consulting and Coaching – I have been project manager and co-producer/organizer of the MOOC in the blended learning format „Advanced training to become an OER expert“ of the project OER-MuMiW: Open Educational Resources – makers and multipliers in further education, which was funded by the BMBF under the funding code 01PO16008A. Project duration: 01.11.2016 to 30.04.2018
Project partners:
- BDVT e.V. - The professional association for training, consulting and coaching
- University of Applied Sciences Lübeck
- MFG Film and Media Company Baden-Württemberg mbH
- German Institute for Adult Education Leibniz Centre for Lifelong Learning
Project to watch:
- www.oer-fachexperten.de
- On 27.11.2017 this training was nominated for the OER-Award 2017 (corresponds to the 2nd place)
You want to get a more precise picture? Call me or contact me right here to arrange an appointment.